Guest blogger Katie Silva shared what three ZTA sisters are doing for LSU's Ambassador program:
"ZTA sisters Helen Frink, Cherie Walter and Randi Kirk are all on the Southern Regional Orientation Workshop (SROW) committee for LSU's Ambassadors. The highly selective committee prepares and presents seminars on how to improve your university's orientation program at the Southern Regional Orientation Workshop. This year's SROW will be held at Clemson University on the weekend of March 15th. It's a big commitment and honor to be able to go, and they're working hard on their presentations and leadership ability!
Walter was also recently selected for this year's Summer Orientation Leader Team for LSU! She had to apply within LSU's Ambassadors to get it, and looks forward to meeting the upcoming LSU students going through summer orientation. Walter will be able to grow as a leader and serve our university with this position. In the past, ZTA women have also represented Greek Life at LSU on the Summer Orientation Leader Team including myself (Silva) in 2013 and Kirk in 2011. It's a fantastic opportunity to advocate for LSU Greek Life and displays ZTA's leadership involvement throughout the LSU community!
Kirk is also the Membership Chair for LSU Ambassadors, and organizes the recruiting and selections process for the new Ambassadors in the fall. She also monitors the activity status of every single Ambassador! It's a big job, but she's great at it!"
Cherie Walter (Left) poses with Randi Kirk (Right)
Katie Silva (Left) hugs Helen Frink (Right)
Delta Kappa would like to thank these diligent ladies for their tireless efforts in promoting the LSU community and assisting future Tigers with their transition to college! We'd also like to thank Katie Silva for being our guest blogger!
Keep up the hard work ladies! We understand how big of a time commitment your leadership roles are, and support y'all every step of the way!
Zeta Love and Mine,
DK PR and Historian
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